Accuracy Matters in Life Threatening Situations
Improve Response Time
Maximize Life Safety
Our mobile and stationary panic buttons automatically deliver a user's precise location including building numbers, floor levels, & room numbers to first responders in an emergency. Unlike systems that rely on GPS and that can only provide an aerial view of a building, our patented solution offers the precision needed to make risk informed decisions.
Patent No: US 11,074,792 B2

Live Video

Customizable UI

Going Beyond GPS, SafeGuard OES Provides Precise Incident Tracking Indoors or Out
A Wireless Emergency Management Solution
Individuals onsite can send an emergency alert via both mobile and stationary panic buttons. Our low visibility options wirelessly sync with the SafeGuard Connect - going beyond GPS to automatically deliver a user's precise location including building numbers, floor levels, & room numbers to first responders.

Help secure those you care about with the smartest wireless emergency management system.
High Speed
Alert all stakeholders including 911 Dispatch to the emergency in seconds, providing:
The name of the facility
Direct Contact Info.
Date - Time Stamp
Facilities' Map w/Precise Incident Location
SGS OES Camera Links
And more...
Ease of Installation
We pride ourselves in a non-invasive approach. Like most security systems, SafeGuard OES is wireless and installations are usually completed within a weekend. Our technicians will install SafeGuard Connects (2" X 3" receivers/transmitters) throughout a facility, which will communicate with both the SafeGuard OES app and our low visibility wireless panic button. Panic buttons can be installed under desks, on podiums, on walls, etc. Our system is also smartwatch compatible.
SafeGuard OES is vigilant about your privacy. Our system is built on the most secure AWS global infrastructure. All data flowing across datacenters is automatically encrypted at a physical layer with additional layers of encryption. The information we share during an emergency is built around the policies and procedures of your organization.
How the System Works
Quality solutions for complex problems when every second counts.

A Closer Look
There's no limit to where SafeGuard OES can help.

Our Story
Paving the Way
The story of our company started shortly after the Sandy Hook attack in 2012. We knew that there had to be a better way to accelerate emergency data for organizations when every second counts. What we've seen in recent years is that the more time first responders spend trying to find the location of a threat, the more likely it is for those we're trying to protect to get hurt. We significantly reduce the amount of time wasted. Our goal, from the very beginning, was to help improve response time and to help save lives. SafeGuard OES is paving the way for the future in emergency response.

SafeGuard OES Projects

SafeGuard OES is a non - invasive wireless solution, highly effective, and easily installed within a day in most cases.
If we didn't circle our SafeGuard Connects in red, you wouldn't even know that they were there. Contact us below and let us know how SafeGuard OES can help you!